Flexible, convenient and affordable car pledge

Since decades, car pledge has helped people from different walks of life to get quick access to the fund at the time of needs. In today’s fast and hectic lifestyle most of the people and elderly person prefer car pledge as they no longer have to visit to different banks and financial institute with their documents for borrowing money. Car pledge can make the whole process of borrowing money quick and smooth and you can get quick access and can deal with your financial needs with dignity. Regardless of the brand or model of your car you can get good valuation at incredibly low interest rate. Hence take saloon pledge (รับจำนำรถเก๋ง which is the term in Thai) and deal with any types of financial issues such as wedding, higher study, large purchase, vacation plan, home renovation, etc.
Instant approval
Unlike other types of loan such as personal loan, credit card, home equity loan, etc. where the chance of loan approval depends on certain factors such as credit score, income, credit utilization ratio, fixed obligation to income ratio, etc. vehicle pledge needs minimum documents and have easy to meet eligibility criteria. In car pledge the deciding factors are the condition and age of the car. Moreover, the borrowers need not have to disclose the specific purpose of borrowing money to the lender. Most of the reliable car pledge company disburse fund to your bank within 24 hours after quick valuation and verification of the car at your own place.
Things to consider
Today’s marketplace is flooded with numerous car pledge companies but not all offer commendable services. Hence to avoid choosing the substandard company and considers certain factors beforehand and have peace of mind
- Ensure the company is licensed and authentic
- Compare the interest rates in the market
- Confirm which brand and model of car the company accept
- Check how the company take care of the borrowers car
- Read the contract carefully and understand all the terms and conditions